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That is the most adorable tiny felted squirrel I have ever seen. It goes very well with the squirrel art and candle. Now I am going to be on the look out for squirrels to add to your collection!

I absolutely love this little squirrel!! My husband and I used to feed squirrels at our first apartment, and seeing your fabulous squirrel brought a huge smile to my face and brought back so many wonderful memories!
The painting is also great!

Your little squirrel is adorable! I hope you'll be posting the rest of the menagerie as you make each critter... I'd love to see them all. Tricia's piece is cute, too; it's no wonder the painting is a favorite in your house. :)

most precious!

that is just way too cute for words!

It's so cute Heather!!!

Oh how sweet is that squirrel!?! I knew you would have fun with the needle felting too. You go girl!!
Aunt Rosanne

thanks everyone. She quickly became a family favorite! I will post them as they pop into the world. My youngest daughter told me all she wants for Christmas is a family of my little squirrels, because they are made with love. And presents made with love are way better than store bought ones. Ah, I hope she is always so easy to please!

Back from vacation just in time to thank you for the nice post. I'm getting tons a compliments on my acorn necklace, there's nothing like it out there. I LOVE it! I'm sure if I could wear your art piece I'd get compliments on that too (ha ha)! I sent out a thanks back in my blog. Thanks again!!

PS. The little felt squirrel is SO cute. It looks complicated, was it hard to do?? I'd love to see the rest you come up with - please share!

I LOVE this felted squirrel! Now I want to make one...too many crafts to make too little time...

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  • I'm Heather Powers, freelance children's book illustrator, SCBWI regional advisor and bead artist by day. Visit the links below to see more of my work.
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